Much more than a farm.

In our family, the Luppino family, the land has always represented something sacred to which we owe much and toward which we have a deep respect. For us it has always been more than just a job.

Riprendere il meglio di una tradizione lunga oltre un secolo e renderla attuale, senza snaturarla. Questo è il cuore del nostro approccio alla terra, vòlto a fare di questa tenuta un luogo della natura e anche dello spirito, inteso come spirito di condivisione e di appartenenza a un territorio unico. 

Take your time.

This land teaches us to slow down and take our time, something truly unusual in today’s busy society. This doesn’t mean being lazy, but rather taking time to reflect on profound values of things and people, their origin and their history. This is the only way to bring innovation in an intelligent, creative and dynamic way, looking towards the future, but with constant attention to what happens in the present.

The Future

In the closest future, we imagine a company that is open. Open to the territory and its people, capable of growing projects, not just products. Social projects that involve people and make them interact with each other and with nature. We imagine days dedicated to our products - the grape day, the olive oil day - that could be a beginning of a micro-community based on relationships with nature and people. A community that cares about today’s society as well as the importance of the peasant traditions (conviviality, storytelling, etc.).

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Società Agricola Ejamu Di Luppino E C. S.s.

Via Setteponti Levante, 13
52024 – Loro Ciuffenna – Arezzo

+39 392 6021909